FAQs About Our Delivery Services in the Dallas Fort Worth Region

Place Order / Track Order
  • Can I get delivery outside of normal business hours, such as nights and weekends?

    Absolutely! You can call our office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will be directed to a page that will be sent to one of our experienced drivers who will ensure proper and timely delivery of your items.

  • Can I set up a delivery today for a future date and time?

    Yes, you may! With our advanced technology, we can program your delivery days or even weeks in advance.

  • Can you provide scheduled deliveries for my company?

    We have numerous clients who count on us to manage their weekly scheduled deliveries. You can schedule them daily, weekly, or monthly.

  • Do you keep records of my deliveries?

    Yes. We keep detailed records of every delivery; computerized and hard copies. We can provide you with a verbal confirmation or a faxed/emailed copy of the signature (POD) at any time

Call us to learn more about our delivery expertise.

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